In this report I'll present the latest statistics and earnings of my Android apps.
Date: 3rd Apr 2013
Market Place Statistics for CleverDic
- Total Downloads: 13534 (+3797)
- Active installs: 8147 (+2033)
- Retention Rate: 60.2% (-2.6%)
- Comments: Total: 56 (+17)
- Average Rating: 4.6 (-0.01)
- Google plus recommends: 69 (+15)
- Errors: 5 (+1)
Market Place Statistics for Weight Recorder
- Total Downloads: 2422 (+974)
- Active installs: 1058 (+396)
- Retention Rate: 43.7% (-2.0%)
- Comments: Total: 914(+4)
- Average Rating: 4.6 (-0.16)
- Google plus recommends: 28 (+14)
- Errors: 4 (0)
Admob Earnings CleverDic
- Revenue: $78.13 (+20.24)
- Total Requests: 47,367 (+10417)
- eCPM: $1.65 (+0.08)
- Click Thru Rate: 2.16% (-0.81)
Admob Earnings Weight Recorder
- Revenue: $1.01 (-0.93)
- Total Requests: 2580 (-3793)
- eCPM: $0.39 (+0.09)
- Click Thru Rate: 0.54% (-0.06)
Weight Recorder ran house ads most of March, however its low eCPM continues to disappoint. The number of daily downloads for Weight Recorder has begun to take off and has now reached 60 downloads per day, but the retention rate is less than 50%.
Downloads for CleverDic is around 150 per day and is earning on average $2.50 per day.
CleverDic on Play
Weight Recorder on Play