Date: 1st Mar 2013
Market Place Statistics for CleverDic
- Total Downloads: 9737 (+2796)
- Active installs: 6114 (+1420)
- Retention Rate: 62.8% (-4.8%)
- Comments: Total: 39 (+16)
- Average Rating: 4.6 (-0.1)
- Google plus recommends: 54 (+19)
- Errors: 4 (0)
Market Place Statistics for Weight Recorder
- Total Downloads: 1448 (+699)
- Active installs: 662 (+248)
- Retention Rate: 45.7% (-9.55%)
- Comments: Total: 9 (+3)
- Average Rating: 4.8 (-0.2)
- Google plus recommends: 14 (+6)
- Errors: 4 (+4)
Admob Earnings CleverDic
- Revenue: $57.89 (+15.14)
- Total Requests: 36,950 (+11263)
- eCPM: $1.57 (-0.09)
- Click Thru Rate: 2.97% (+0.16)
Admob Earnings Weight Recorder
- Revenue: $1.94 (+0.80)
- Total Requests: 6373 (+4660)
- eCPM: $0.30 (-0.37)
- Click Thru Rate: 0.60% (-0.16)
CleverDic is earning on average $2 per day but no house ads were shown on CleverDic in February. From 23rd Feb to end of March Weight Recorder will be only showing house ads. Downloads for CleverDic are averaging about 100 per day, weight recorder downloads are disappointing so better marketing is required to increase the download rate.
CleverDic on Play
Weight Recorder on Play